19 January 2006

Create An Encoded Email Link

Everybody loves spam. Just loves it. I can't get through a day if I know I'm not gonna get me some spam.

Unfortunately, there are people who don't want us to get our yummy spam 230 times a day. Those evil people use encoding to filter out all that tasty processed meat product.

That's a picture of what it looks like when you use an Email Address Encoder. To stick it on your blog, just copy that code, and paste it in your template. You can see mine over on the sidebar.

Don't forget to stick <a href="mailto: before the encoded email address, and ">Mail Me (or whatever you want)</a> after.

Difficulty★★★Used on this site?Yes

Your Blog ID Number

You'll need this for so many future tricks, that it's pretty much the most important number you'll have to have to mess with Blogger. It's your blog ID number. I got this from Blogger Help, but it's another one of those thing that's right in plain site, but you never think about it.

You'll want to create a text file with that in it. In fact, you'll want to start you a Blogger Hacks file, with some of these helpful codes in it. You can copy this one, replacing the number with your own data:


Difficulty★★★Used on this site?Yes